Saturday, February 25, 2012


Assalamualaikum wbt

Yesterday my faculty organized a badminton tournament. And of course, I participated. I'm not a really good player, just enough to stay healthy. I finished the game at fourth place with not-so-shame-defeat. So, it's quite an achivement for me..haha.

Badminton is a good sport, makes you sweat a lot, and burns those fat and chalories. I'm not a physically active person, but at least I still able to keep my body on the move.

Apart from chasing the prize, I had a great time with my friends..another memory to keep before the time separate us this mid year.


shahdiana said...

haah kan...main badminton best....satu badan bergerak...

Naz said...

yup..baik utk kardio

Aidah said...

Bagus2. Satu masa dulu akak ni exercise junkie. Tiap2 hari nak pegi gym tapi sekarang segala sendi di badan dah give in. Tak dapat ke gym lagi, badan pun dah naik. Huhuhu.

Long Sarah Meninggal Dunia

Assalamualaikum wbt ... Lepas maghrib semalam, terima panggilan dari pak sedara. Dia bagitau jiran dekat rumah dia meninggal dunia. Aku ke...