Monday, October 10, 2011

Silver Lining

Assalamualaikum wbt everyone...

My mood is swinging today. I'm confused with my thinking and feelings.
This invisible burden is too heavy. I'm afraid I couldn't take it.
Who know yourself better than you and Allah s.w.t

I hope for a silver lining in the cloud.
To please me.
I hope for the mountain breeze.
To hugs me.
I hope for the midnight wind.
To wrap my sleep.

Only if I can wish...

Allah..please save my soul.

Double Frustration is coming soon. 


Rosmawati Yusof said...

Insya Allah ... mudah2anan hidup kita dirahmati dan diberkatiNya..aminnn..

meowwmania said...

smoga ditabahkan hati menghadapi ujian-Nya yg pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya :)

Nazirah said...

Terima kasih Kak Kim dan Meowwmania

Long Sarah Meninggal Dunia

Assalamualaikum wbt ... Lepas maghrib semalam, terima panggilan dari pak sedara. Dia bagitau jiran dekat rumah dia meninggal dunia. Aku ke...